Sargam notes (Sa, Re, Ga, Ma) on the flute is an exercise for your playing flute and to understand classical music. An exercise to practice flute using Sa, Re, Ga, and Ma:
Sargam Practice in an ascending order:
Start with "Sa".
Play "Sa" after that play "Re," then play "Ga," and thereafter "Ma" in ascending order.
Sa Re Ga Ma plays in a lower, medium and higher octave.
Practice the above order till you understand it.
Sargam Practice in a descending order:
Start with the note "Ma"
Play "Ma" after that play "Ga," then "Re," and thereafter "Sa" in descending order.
Ma Ga Re Sa play in higher, medium and lower octave.
Once you learn the basic ascending and descending order of notes, you can try variations and patterns to enhance your practice.
Try the ascending and descending order of notes multiple times without interruption to get control over the flute.
Try with different playing notes with different note types such as quarter notes, eighth notes, etc.,
Try meend (glides) or gamak (oscillations) between notes to create expressive melodies.
Play the Sargam orders in different octaves to understand the full range of the flute.
Practice consistently and gradually play different Sargam exercises so that you can be proficient. Find a teacher who can teach you the flute in an order that makes you proficient in playing the flute.