Cucumber Framework in Ruby

Cucumber Framework in Ruby

Project Structure:

├── config

│   └── config.yml

├── features

│   ├── search.feature

│   ├── step_definitions

│   │   └── home_steps.rb

│   └── support

│       ├── env.rb

│       ├── hooks.rb

│       └── page_objects

│           ├── base_page.rb

│           └── home_page.rb



default: &default browser: chrome base_url: "" timeout: 30 development: <<: *default test: <<: *default production: <<: *default base_url: ""

  • Stores environment-specific configurations.
  • Uses YAML anchors (&default) and aliases (<<: *default) for inheritance.

Environment Setup


require 'capybara/cucumber' require 'selenium-webdriver' require 'yaml' # Load configuration based on the ENV variable or default to 'development' env = ENV['ENV'] || 'development' config = YAML.load_file('config/config.yml')[env] # Register Selenium driver with dynamic browser options Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app| browser = (config['browser'] || 'chrome').to_sym options = case browser when :chrome when :firefox else raise "Unsupported browser: #{browser}" end, browser: browser, options: options) end # Configure Capybara Capybara.configure do |capybara_config| capybara_config.default_driver = :selenium capybara_config.app_host = config['base_url'] capybara_config.default_max_wait_time = config['timeout'] end
  • Reads configurations from the YAML file.
  • Dynamically sets up the Selenium driver based on the configuration.
  • Configures Capybara settings.



Before do # Code to execute before each scenario puts "Starting scenario: #{}" end After do |scenario| if scenario.failed? # Take a screenshot or perform cleanup save_screenshot("screenshots/#{}.png") end puts "Finished scenario: #{}" end
  • Utilizes Cucumber hooks to execute code before and after scenarios.
  • Includes dynamic actions like taking screenshots on failure.

Page Object Model with Dynamic Programming


class BasePage include Capybara::DSL def initialize wait_until_page_loaded end def wait_until_page_loaded # Can be overridden by subclasses end def self.element(name, locator) define_method(name) do find(locator) end end def self.elements(name, locator) define_method(name) do all(locator) end end def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) if respond_to_missing?(method_name) send(method_name, *args, &block) else super end end def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) self.class.instance_methods.include?(method_name) || super end end
  • Base class for all page objects.
  • Uses dynamic programming to define element accessor methods.
  • element and elements class methods dynamically create instance methods.


class HomePage < BasePage element :search_field, '#search' element :submit_button, '#submit' def wait_until_page_loaded has_selector?('#main-content') end def search_for(query) search_field.set(query) end end
  • Represents the Home Page using POM.
  • Inherits from BasePage.
  • Defines page-specific elements and actions.

Step Definitions


Given('I am on the home page') do visit '/' @home_page = end When('I search for {string}') do |query| @home_page.search_for(query) end Then('I should see results for {string}') do |query| expect(page).to have_content(query) end
  • Uses page objects within step definitions.
  • Keeps steps high-level and readable.

Feature File


Feature: Search Functionality Scenario: Search for a term Given I am on the home page When I search for "Capybara" Then I should see results for "Capybara"
  • Defines a BDD-style feature.
  • Utilizes Given-When-Then syntax.


  • Capybara & Selenium: Used for browser automation and interaction.
  • Cucumber: Provides the BDD framework.
  • YAML Config: Externalizes configuration, making it easy to switch environments.
  • Driver Setup: Dynamically configures the browser driver based on the YAML file.
  • Hooks: Executes code before and after each scenario, allowing setup and teardown processes.
  • POM: Organizes code by pages, improving maintainability.
  • Dynamic Programming: Ruby's metaprogramming defines methods dynamically, reducing boilerplate code.

Running the Tests

Execute the tests using:

ENV=development cucumber
  • Set the ENV variable to switch configurations.
  • The tests will run using the specified environment settings.

Prakash Bojja

I have a personality with all the positives, which makes me a dynamic personality with charm. I am a software professional with capabilities far beyond those of anyone who claims to be excellent.

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