How window handles work in Selenium WebDriver

How window handles work in Selenium WebDriver?

Here’s a detailed explanation of how window handles work in Selenium WebDriver:

1. Obtaining the Current Window Handle

When you initiate a browser session, Selenium WebDriver assigns a unique identifier (handle) to the currently opened window or tab.

- You can retrieve the handle for the current window using the method:

   String currentWindow = driver.getWindowHandle();

   - This returns a single string representing the unique handle of the currently active window.

2. Getting All Window Handles

   - If multiple windows or tabs are opened during the session, Selenium can retrieve all the window handles currently opened by the browser.

   - Use:

     Set<String> allWindows = driver.getWindowHandles();

     - This returns a `Set` containing all the window handles. Each handle in the set represents an open window or tab.

3. Switching Between Windows

   - To interact with a specific window or tab, Selenium provides the `switchTo()` method:


   - Replace `windowHandle` with the handle of the desired window to switch context to that window.

4. Use Case: Switching to a New Window

   When a new window or tab opens (e.g., after clicking a link), the handle for that new window can be found and switched to:

   Example in Java:

   // Store the current window handle

   String mainWindow = driver.getWindowHandle();

   // Perform an action that opens a new window or tab


   // Get all window handles

   Set<String> allWindows = driver.getWindowHandles();

   // Iterate through the handles to find the new window

   for (String window : allWindows) {

       if (!window.equals(mainWindow)) {





// Perform operations in the new window

// Switch back to the original window


5. Closing Windows

   - Use the `close()` method to close the current window:


   - If you need to quit all browser windows, use:


6. Practical Scenarios

   - Pop-ups or Alerts: Many websites open pop-up windows or new tabs. Selenium's window handles let you navigate back and forth.

   - Multiple Tabs: Testing workflows that span multiple tabs or windows (e.g., third-party authentication).

   - Ad Windows: Automating interaction with or dismissal of unwanted pop-ups.

Best Practices

   - Always store the current window handle before opening a new window or tab.

   - Use `driver.getWindowHandles()` after performing actions that might open new windows to ensure you have all active handles.

   - Switch back to the original window after completing tasks in other windows to maintain a consistent flow.

Window handles are a powerful feature in Selenium that allows for effective management of multi-window workflows in modern web applications.

Prakash Bojja

I have a personality with all the positives, which makes me a dynamic personality with charm. I am a software professional with capabilities far beyond those of anyone who claims to be excellent.

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